Veterans Business Council - June

Thursday, June 2, 2022
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM (EDT)
Category: Veterans Business Council

Veterans Business Council

About The Event

The Veterans Business Council is dedicated to helping build a vibrant and prosperous business community for all Veterans and Veteran Owned-Businesses in Southwest Florida.

Make new connections, share insight with fellow veteran professionals, and learn more about local organizations that can take your business to the next level.

Benefits of the Veterans Business Council include:

  • Exclusive networking and business development opportunities
  • Access to resources to help grow your business

  • Ability to connect with other veteran professionals

  • Unique benefits not available to traditional businesses

This Month's Speaker

Kena Yoke, Vice President of Island Pilling has served Southwest Florida since 1986. Kena has volunteered countless hours to serving veterans and helping them succeed in their endeavors. She is an expert at networking, building relationship and connecting individuals who can mutually benefit each other.

Event Location

For More Information:

Charles Stanisce

Charles Stanisce

Director of Marketing & Technology

View Profile

