Custom Package

$595 or $895 / Year

Craft a Custom Membership Package unique to your business’s needs, goals, and budget.

Nonprofit Package
Expand Your Reach

Make selections from the Marketing Package that generates year-round visibility.

Grow Your Network

Select benefits that give you unlimited access to our monthly networking events.

Flexible Payments

Opt into flexible monthly payments or save when you pay our annual rate upfront.

Additional Benefits

All Custom Package memberships include our Basic Membership benefits and resources.

Grow at Your Own Pace

Make selections for your Custom Membership Package based on your business’s individual goals. Choose from:

  Marketing Package Benefits

  Relationship Package Benefits

  Additional Add Ons Available A La Carte

Grow Your Organization

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Custom Package work?

Custom Package holders select several benefits from an a la carte menu of services and create a membership package individualized for you. This package is unique to you and your business.

How do I know which benefits are a good fit for my business?

Our Client Relationship Manager, Alex, will sit down with you one-on-one and discuss your business’s unique needs and goals. From here, she’ll help you select the specific benefits that will be the best fit for your business and its growth plan.

What options do I have for the Custom Package?

The full list of options will be made available to you in your Custom Package meeting, but a sample of these options include a social media promo, free access to monthly networking events, a monthly leads report and more.

How do I purchase a Custom Membership?

Get started with your Custom Membership Package by scheduling a meeting with SWFL Inc.’s Alex at Here, we’ll help you craft your unique package and teach you how to use the membership benefits of our organization.
